Wednesday, May 25, 2011

If I had wings

How great it would have been to have wings. 
Up in the clouds, looking down at the beautiful earth. Be able to go wherever, whenever. Never needing to worry about the traffic.

I often wish for wings. Not only for these reasons, but also because I then would look as different as I feel. And I would be free, not stuck here. Never stuck.

I feel stuck quite often. It's not that I'm clastrophobic or anything, I just don't feel free to go where I'd like. And not because of my parents or because I don't have the money, but because where I want to go.. well, it's just not here.

People are in the way. They are everywhere. I can't avoid them. That's what I want. To get lost. Just walk around nothingness, find something more, something different. 

I often let my mind wander off to these place's, somethimes places I've read about other time new place's that don't exist. I really like Mirkwood, it's by far my favorite. I don't know why exactly, I just always liked it.

And as I wander around places of imagination, I can be anything. I can have wings. Come and go as I wish. Make a home where I want. I can be book-version-me (March 23rd). 

If I had wings, I would fly away, far away. I would come back after some time, I would just go away for a little while. Maybe try to sit on a cloud (yeah I know it's not gonna work), try to reach the impossible places, see the world. 

And just take some time off to sit in a dark forest and relax. Just not do anything. Or care about anything. And pretend again, to be something I'm not.


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