Thursday, March 31, 2011

What if you lose all?

I often wonder, what would become of me if I lost all? Not just my belongings and money, but friends and family, all that I love and all that loves me, what if all I had left was memories? And I could never find them again.

Am I the one that can stand by and watch everyone get hurt, and when I know there's nothing I can do, really do  nothing? Or am I the one that will try it all, even when I know it will never work, and be destroyed for ever? Would I be able to get over it, and live on, start a new life?

I am not one that lets emotions rule my life. They are barely part of me at all, if you can ever find me upset or angry, really in love, anything like that, you're pretty lucky. Or maybe unlucky. Point being, it doesn't happen very often. I am in a constant good mood, smilind, uncaring, just watching the world spin by to come back and people come and go, love and hate. I don't often bother to spin with the world or become part of what happens.

As I say, I'm worth no more than all my friends and family. As long as they are here, I'm good. I can get by being me, I don't care if everyone else hates me, or the world is going against me, just as long as they are here, they are all I have, and all I am.

Yet I don't know, would it really crush me if I lost all? Or am I the one that would stand up and build a new world, with a new life? Do I really care that much?

I have my moments, when I don't think I do. When I think life would be easier without those that judge me even when they say they never will. Without those who can't just stand by and let me be me and not comment. Because as I grow and change, my friends won't always agree. And they will be mad at me. And I will stand and watch, think how much easier life would be with friends who cares only about others, and never about themselves.

And I know, with noone, I would be nothing. I am no more than my friends and family. For them I lie, pretend, judge, live, love, think, I do all. For them, I am never me, never do I tell the truth and for always will I be only what they want from me. Without them, I am no more.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Childrens TV

Just because I was watching childrens TV (no judging, it's fun!) and it came to mind; the old shows are sooo much better than the new once. I'm now not talking about the really old onde (though yeah, they were probably a lot better too),but Ariel, Fraggle Rock, Pokemon, and so on.

The new shows are to focused on learning. Kids are going to be sick of it even before they're out of elementary school, they need a break to watch bullshit with no point. Not talking monkeys that knows the alphabeth, but those that go "blabbethiblaaaah" and drop bananaskins on the ground for people to slip on.

Grown-ups are waaay to focused on their kids learning now days. Let them play around, have some fun and do silly kids stuff, not just play to learn, but to play. Just to have fun. And I'm sure, if kids and teenagers were allowed off-time a little more often than most are, they would not be so sick of school.

Back to the childrens TV, all the memories it holds, the fun of watching the stupid things you used to love, laughing at how idiotic and yet ingenious it all is. You should never get to old to love it.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Philosophical crazyness

Thinking about the famous philosophs of the time, I can't find one of them that seemscompletely 100% sane. All of them has some kind of crazy idea, some kind of weirdness to them. And if they are being compared to the time they lived in, and their critisism of all and nothing, it's really no wonder so many wanted most of them dead.
Once upon a time, the philosophs were only those who thought and spoke differently. Those with new ideas, or old ideas with new life. Now, we're supposed to learn how to think differently, thought how to think up something noone did before us. All modern philosophs ever do is sit around thinking about the same questions that millions of people were thinking about before them. And if they find an answer, it will only be true for one of them.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of philosophical education. I mean, I love learning about the old philosophs, their opinions and ways of thinking and of course odd ideas. But when people start telling me how to come up with new ideas; DUDE, they are NOT new if you had to be told how to come up with them.

And I'm gonna throw in a; whatever you think noone have thought about before, someone probably has, somewhere, sometime, even if you never heard about them. Only if you make your voice heard will anyone remember your name. And when they do, they will probably think you're crazy. Isn't life awesome?

You can never be thought how to think new and differently. You must have the right mind for it, only then will the information you are fed do any good. And your new thinking will only be based on that information, unless your mind was already different. You be stuck on how today is and on how yesterday was, you will not make a new tomorrow. You must use what you have, to find what is not there. Only then can you make a difference.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

This is the Life!

No worries, no stress. This is how I want to live. Without a care in the world, just having fun, laughing every day,   without having to worry what anyone says or thinks. Just live my life.

Most days, this is my life. Not often do I care what people say, not often do I worry about the future. I do care, but never worry. I do what I can, and that all anyone could ever do. No point in stressing about it. No point in trying to stress me out.

No point in trying to make me care. What people think and say, are up to the people. It's not me to worry or care about what they say. I listen and keep going. That's me. You tell me who I am, I tell you you're right, it takes to much energy to correct you.

This is the life. Float on, don't worry, live like there's no tomorrow, love like all loves you back, and never - never - let them get you. It's your life. Live it your way.

Earth Hour; March 26th 8:30 pm / 20:30
Today's the day! I'm going out tonight (and I will remember to turn my lights off). Have fun tonight!


Friday, March 25, 2011


They can be anything. They can be everything. They can last less then a second and yet mean more than eternity. They are all and nothing. And they take so many forms.

Some are pictures, some attatched to odd objects. They ruin good songs, and make bad songs loved. They live their own lives, as sometimes you remember what has nothing to do with anything around.

They have the ability to make one laugh and cry. To hate and to forgive. To lie, love and live. To learn and to forget. Even the secrets of time and change they may hold.

Some memories are hiding. Some happened just a few seconds ago. One is right now, as right now it is already gone. It is the present that's lost. Passed by and can never come back. It's all we regret, yet also all we cherish. It's what makes family family and friends friends. What makes us love and care.

Without memories, the world would mean nothing.

Earth Hour; March 26th 8:30pm / 20:30

I'm officially out of things to write. So here goes nothing; I love my home, I don't want it trashed down or made into some giant-butt-world-wide town (to many people!), or in anyway made anything else than what it is now. I love all the places in the world (of were I've been) for what they are, I don't want them changed. I don't want florida drowned, I don't want Sahara to grow. I don't want the North Pole and Antartica to melt. I want home to remain home.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Right or Wrong

I was just thinking about the right and wrong in life and it came to mind that what my mom finds right is not always whatI find right, and what she finds wrong is not always what I find wrong. Now, as it is obvious that different cultures and religions has different opinions on this, I still find it odd that even though my mom raised me, I have so different opinions than her.

So I'm now trying to analyse where the differences come from. School is still the same culture. And there is no stated religion in school, we learn just as much about all of them. Most of my friends and family is somewhat close to the same religion and culture. I must say I find me as the one standing out.

It's not only the fact that I have different opinion on right and wrong, but also on religion, God(s), all that I see, hear and learn. I twist it my way, I just don't know how I got to that road. Or why I'm going this direction.

I do not take anything for given, I do not pretend to know what I know not. What does and does not exist, I have no clue. What life is, I have no clue. Who I am, I have no clue. Not even what I am. What people tell me, I belive when I see sense in it. I belive what is better at arguing, you can say. My opinion is therefor easily shifted from one point to another. I may now say God is like Santa. Maybe God is Santa. But they are so different personalities, as God gives to him who belives, and Santa gives to him who does good. Who do I like the best? Santa. But do I belive in them? That, I cannot answer.

As I let my mind wander around the world, I also notice I don't talk about whatever God here. It's of course the one of  Christianity. Which is the religion that tome, makes less sense. My parents are blind non-belivers. So ismy grandparents. Where I got it from to question them, I do not know. 

As I am easily affected by others, it's also impossible to change my mind, as it is always changing, it's also never changing. You can tell me this is right and that is wrong, I'm not going to belive you until you find inquestionable arguments for your word. 

To a question, I have but one answer; I don't know.

Earth Hour: March 26th, 8:30pm/ 2030
I'm pretty much out of exciting ideas of what to write here, but I don't think (and I hope you agree) that melting the North Pole and Antartica is a very good idea. 


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This is how I would have been if someone were to put me into a book. Or so I hope. It's kind of bragging really.

I would have been strong. Really strong and wise. I would know magic, really powerful magic. But I would be good. Yet would I not do everything for one side and nothing for the other. As it is in fairytales, the bad is not all bad and the good not all good.

I would be tall. I would look like royality, and act like it. I would be loved, but never belong to one place alone. I would be a traveller. A noticed one, of my apperance. Scary, yet loved. I would be one of many stories, famous, but not always recognized.

Feared of those that got on my bad side. I would be without mercy.Yet I would be fair. I would have but one follower, one that was not human. A creature of magic, one not under my command, but of own free will. She would be most likely somewhat like a horse. Or some cat-animal. Maybe even a match. And she would have temper, dangerous temper.

I would know about all and nothing. I would not be the hero, but the mysterious helper noone really knows of. There I am, hiding in the shadows. I would be everything, yet nothing.

Earth Hour: March 26th 8:30 pm / 20:30
Today again I can see the roads beneath the snow. Finally. The mudd all over my shoes, try to avoid deep ponds. The grass in the backyard, yellow and dead. Trees look so naked with no snow or leaves. Soon though, beautiful flowers, green grass, wind blowing through fresh leaves, lakes are melting and roads will dry. It will soon be summer on earth. And I have to say, never was I so happy to see the temperature rise up.

Yet I know, it's starting earlier this year than it has before. Earlier and earlier it starts every year. And I know, for earth, this is not good. So I hope next year, winter will last just a little longer.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Love me or Leave me

I like:
- butterflies: Colorful, magical and free
- Imagination: The book that never ends
- Megavideo: Until I'm out of time
- NCIS Los Angeles: Lives are at stake
- Merlin: Magic is evil... I think
- Quotes: The famous thoughts of unknown people
- Captain Jack Sparrow: And his bottle of rum
- Music: The world of hidden feelings
- Life: The uncertainty of living
- The dark: What you cannot see, you cannot know
- Stars: As they shine down on me, making me feel tiny
- Blondes: The comments of stupidity (mine included)
- Librarys: Endless lives and worlds, so many possibilities
- Town centers: So quiet at night, so loud at day
- Clouds: Float with the wind
- Letters: How little they mean one alone,
               How much they can say when you put them together
- Writing: Give others the chance to think like you do
- History: The greatness that passed
- Lipbalm: Soft lips <3
- Boys: So annoying yet so lovable
- Computers: What you can't do with them...
                     Until they crash down
- Google: What you can't find
- Facebook: No better way of keeping in touch with the world
- Josh Shipp: Aaaand a goat...

So yeah, I just came across this Josh Shipp dude one youtube. Heard of him before, and I have to say: the guy is a genius. I love him. I'm gonna marry him. (just kidding) Anyways, check him out on or just You will love him.

Earth Hour: March 26th 8:30pm / 20.30
Dear Earth.

This is a letter from me to you. Here is where I tell Santa how much I want Barbie and Ken for christmas, grandma I want a pony for my birthday, and the boy I love for ever and always how I'm gonna love him for ever and always.

But to you I'm only gonna say; Good luck. We don't care about you. We don't want anything from you. We don't even need anything from you. We have cars, computers,mobile phones, giant butt shopping centers, shoes (size eur.38, eng.5, just in case someone feel like buying me a pair), we can build a spaceship as big as you and yet better and just leave you here to rot. You know that's what we're gonna do. We take and we break. That's us. So f***ings good luck.


And a goat

Monday, March 21, 2011

Little me

I am a nothing. I'm small, so small I don't matter to the world any more than a single corn of dust does to me. Probably even less. The World is big. Huge. It sees everything, and yet so close to nothing. I sit here, in the shadow of great names, some feared, some loved, and I am not seen.

Still, I sit at a school bench for hours a day, I work for my food and clotes and all the fun I may have. I do not sit lazy as I am not expected to, but why would people expect so much of little me? I do not care for math or science, I do not care for politics or government. Yet have I spent over half of my wake hours since the age of 5, learning about these things. Wether I know them or not, is not going to matter when I'm done with my tests at school. It never is going to matter for anyone ever.

More important, I do care for the names that makes themselves remembered, not only for today and tomorrow but for always. I wish to know how I can make me remembered, not to be of fame now, but have done something for the world, somethingthe world will later love me for. But I am nothing but little me. Unknown to the world.

And so I wonder, if the great faces of the old were as unknown as mine is. Do I really have to be noticed to make a difference? And I realise I already have. As I am a good friend to my friends, they are again good friends to others. As I help them, they will help other, who again help others and others again. By giving just a little, even little me is giving more than anyone can know. And I do understand the meaning of it all. I do not learn to love, as I do not love to learn. I learn only to be the best I can be, so I can be the best me, and help others be the best they can be. All is in favour for the once I love. I learn not to love, but because I love. And because I love, little me can be bigger than the world itself.

Earth Hour: March 26th 8:30pm / 20.30
Earth is Home. It is what gives little me the chance to be big me. It is all the colors of the rainbow, and more with it. It is all the feelings of your heart, and the memories of your head. It is all the friends and family of every single soul. Even yours and mine. Extend Earth Hour just a little farther, not only to Earth, but to everyone who shares it. Give a little, to give a lot.


Sunday, March 20, 2011


To be able to write, inspiration is very important. It doesn't matter what you write, if they are songs, poems, books or blogs. Some get their inspiration from some of the Great Authors, remembered through time, like Tolkien or Lewis Carroll. Some get it through other artists songs, or history and philosophy.

But my greatest source of inspirement is not one of those you hear about often, one of the obvious. It is what inspires most people the most, but yet what is rarely mentioned. Friends and family. They may give me ideas about what to write, I quote them and I rethink their thoughts. Even if I'm just sitting at home a late night, thinking about what we were talking about earlier, I might get the best ideas. There is no better way of getting inspired than hanging with some good friends or family for a day.

I do have other inspireing sources to of course. Both music, books, history and philosophy. Teachers and school. Randoms of the street, quotes I pick up as I go. It should all be remembered, and some day repeated. It's ok if you, like me, want your thoughts to be fresh and out of the ordinary, you can still develop them from other peoples earlier thoughts. Not even Sokrates thoughts were all new, yet he's the one to be famous for most of them. It's not always about being the first one, or the best one. It's about making yourself worth listening to.

So here comes my advice; if you are looking for inspiration, whatever it may be for, just look around. Don't go looking for something you have not seen before, try to see new things in what was always there. And always try to be inspiration for others, for who knows, maybe tomorrow, what you inspired them to do will inspire you?

Earth Hour; March 16th 8:20pm / 20.30
Today, as I really feel like getting some treats, I'm asking you a question, or three. On March 26th, do you have any plans? Are you going to do anything out of the ordinary? Do you have any ideas on what to do, and want to share them? Either only for Earth Hour or the whole day or an entire year or lifetime? What is your gift to Mother Earth?
All ideas, I'm going to quote on my blog on March 25th (if I get any ideas, that is), so please do remember to tell who you are!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Check me out!

New week, new look. Well, I'm square out of inspiration to write today, but here you go as promised:
Earth Hour; March 26th 8;30pm / 20.30
Listen to the sound of the wind rushing through the forest, the sea against the wet sand, soft dirt underneath the hoofs of a galloping horse. The beutiful music of Mother Earths nature. She is, and will always be the best musician. Listen and love!


Friday, March 18, 2011

I belive I'm hooked on too... what?

 Here's a list of things I'm hooked on, and the reason (if I have one):

Books: Well... they are books. They are pictures of something that has been, someone else's mind and thoughts. They discribe what is, has been and is to be, come to life and move you to a new level of knowledge. They give you a chance to live a different life than your own, to be something you're not, to be immortal, strong and all you ever wanted. They are all, even if they are nothing.

Music: Music is a picture of someone elses feelings, cares, love and hate. They make you feel the same, they can make you happy, angry, they can hold good memories and remind you of something you miss everytime you hear that one song. Music is the complexity of sounds put together to become one, and you can be a part of that one, listening to the music playing.

Pictures: They may hold all you hold dear. Friends and family, perfect moments, maybe something you once held close, but lost. In pictures, you can be what you wish, and you can show the world what you want them to see. Pictures don't need to hold everything you know, just that one little thing that makes it a pice of your heaven.

Lipbalm: and some other "beauty-products". The reason? I deserve it, like the commercials always tell me. Commercials are always right ;-) Though, really, it's just because I like to be able to look in the mirror and not go "oh my gooood, I look horrible!". Also, I don't really want anyone else to look at  me and go "eeww" either. I'm just addicted to my lipbalm because soft lips are good for my confidence and also a thumbs up with the boys ;-) (boys, if you think I'm wrong, please do tell)

Chocolate (the awesome kind): now, a year ago I would have said all chocolate is awesome. I learned differently now. I'm talking about the soft, salty, sweet kind that melts on your tounge, the kind like in Harry Potter that makes your whole body warm and cosy, the really awesome one. I love it!

My bed: I absolutely love my soft, cosy, warm, loving bed. I would stay here for ever if I could <3. Well, maybe not. Then I would get fat, and very, very not good looking and probably stupid. Unless I used my bed as an office and a trampoline. That could work =D (my bed is awesome!)

Earth Hour; March 26th, 8:20 pm / 20.30
To help Mother Earth every day, all year around, here's a cuple of small ideas, hopefully not the same you hear every day;

- Drink more tap-water! Then you don't have all the trash from the crappy sugar-filled drinks you buy at the store, you save money and get healtier.

- Buy a cottage! A real one, not one with a giant flatscreen, mini training center and wireless, the one where you use gas oven or live fire, one that doesn't have a pool in the backyard or electric lights, but snow and forests outside the door, and the lake where you can swim in the summertime and go ice skating in the winter.  And this helps how? Well, if you are at the cottage, you're not using any of the lights at your house, or the oven or anything electric (I hope. please remember to turn the heat of, you don't need it when you're not there)

- Move towards the equator! Obviously, as it's warmer, you won't need heat, and the sun it up longer, so you don't need lights ;-)

- Party all night and sleep all day! Point being you have fun and you're social when partying, there's rarely many lights on at a party, and the people that are there have (hopefully remembered to) turned their lights off. The "sleep all day" is just so you get the rest you need, and has nothing to do with Mother Earth

- To twist the last one a bit; Get up bright and early, sleep when it's dark out! If you go to bed once the sun goes down, what will you be using your lights for? You will also probably get a lot more done, as you get up in the morning.

I hope today was entertaining!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Computer mess

I really need to get my computer fixed, I'm pretty sure my virus has eaten all my documents and pictures. This is when I wish I has a clue about computers. In other words, no pictures today either. This is really annoying me, I have to get this fixed so I can start using my computer again.

Any computer nerds out there that wants to help me?

So, since my computer was a total mess yesterday (as in not working at all), you didn't get anything at all, and since it's a big mess today (as in barely working), you'll only get this bit of my annoying complaining. Hope I'll get it fixed by the end of today though, so you actally might get something later. But I will not forget the;

Earth hour; march 26th, 8;30pm / 20.30
Clue to do; This is for keeping you the whole (or most of the) day. Help grandma/mom/auntie with some cleaning, earn some money. Then you can go have some well earned fun tomorrow night, a girlsnight out, good movie, resturant, a party for good friends, whatever. Imagine how happy grandma is to spend one whole day with you, and mom is if you actually DO something, other than watch TV and computer gaming. What you do today, might earn you a better tomorrow!! ;-D


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Life as I know it

Life can be many different things. It can be a fight against the pulling towards the black hole of death, or the glory of being able to do what you want, when you want. It can be the average life of a teen struggling with school and love, or the one that has 7 younger brothers and sisters to feed because his parents died. Taking each day as it comes, always trying to find food and shelter for your small once, and things hunting you, the uncertainty of an animals life. It can be so many different things.

My life is a pretty good one. Very awesome one in fact. I spend my days smiling, and doing my best to make others around me smile. I dare say I'm doing a pretty good job, at least with my friends. I am somewhat like an animal. I live my life only for today. After all, today is what we are remembered for, and I want to make myself worth remembering. Tomorrow may come when it does, and only when it does will I worry about it. The past is gone, and is nomore other then in my mind. Memories are only remembered if they are worth remembering, and never will I regret yesterday.

Also, I am fully capable of doing what I want, when I want, not because I have the money I need, but because I don't need money. In that way, I am not like most people. Money means nothing more to me than how many pairs of shoes I can get for them (I really do love shoes).

Also, my friends and family is all I need to be happy. Therefore, I will claim the honor and glory of being an example for complete and perfect happiness. Life as I know it, is a life in Wonderland.

Question #1; how is your life?

Earth Hour, March 26th, 8;30pm/20.30
A friend of mine mentioned a couple of days ago; imagine being in a spaceshuttle when the whole world goes dark and everyone turns their lights off. Wouldn't that be amazing? A sight to remember, for sure! But doesn't Earth hour start at exactly 8:30 pm / 20:30 EVERYWHERE? Cause then, this would not be possible. Only one timezone would get dark at a time. But then I was thinking again; wouldn't that be more awesome, imagine filming it and then putting the film on fastforeward, and seing the light turning on at one point, just to get turned of the next! It's like one giant audience-wave!

Also, before I post this, I would like to pay my respect to Japan, and all other places affected by the earthquake and tsunami. My candle always burn, and I hope the best for all of you, and everyone else that ever lost someone to the brutality of nature.


PS: my computer is a little messed up atm, so I don't have any pictures for you =( hopefully it will be back to normal tomorrow!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hello World!

Thank you for being my friend, for reading me and treating me, doesn't matter if it's good or bad. I'm always happy for a treat. And in return I will be cool, interesting, make you smile and love. This is the world of Alice. It's all about taking what people say, hearing them and then doing what you wish with what they say. It's about friends and family. My world consists merely of Wonder, and my God is Love. 

So now, let me tell you a little about Alice of Wonderland; I am a girl (obviously). That would drag the number of possible me's down to about 3,435,668,000 billion. I'm also 17 years old, leaving a lot less possible me's, though I don’t know the exact number. Also notice that the number I do have, will change with about 70-80 new women per minute. Pretty insane, isn’t it? I’m about 1,70 m tall (5 feet 7), neither fat nor (crazy) skinny. Blonde, eyes changing color with my mood, shoe-size European; 38, English; 5, US; 7,5.

- To be continued -                                            

Earth Hour, March 26th, 8;30 pm/20.30
Earth is the home of so many great people. So many has lived, loved, and done what they could to make it a better place. Look only at all the great kings and queens, the strong leaders and the controversial thinkers. How people went from hunters, constantly moving around, to where we are today (some still being the hunters moving around, but I’m guessing they are not among the once reading my blog). For whatever Earth is worth, destroying what these people built is crossing some invisible limit. I actually think we crossed that a long time ago, but hey; if you don’t mind, I’m gonna do my best to run back as fast as I can, and you are very much welcome to join me if you wish!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring time!

So the temperature is slowly rising above 0 celcius, snow starts to go away and you can start hanging outside again. I LOVE IT! I've always been a summer-person, I love beaches, running water, green forests, sitting out in the moonlight in my bikini and have giant-butt outside party's. It's just how life's suppose to be, you know.

Now, I do like the winter as well, for the beauty of snowed down oaks, hot chocolate by a warming fireplace, iceskating and skiing. And we must never forget the fun of getting up at 07;00 to get ready to go downhill, getting on the 8 buss with some funny-looking tired friends, finally reaching the mountain and getting your ski's on and stay on them for 7-8 hours with a 20 minute break to get your toes warm before you stuff them back into cold boots, and eat a hot dog. Then it's out again, till you can barely stand up, and back on a buss, finally home at half past 8 in the evening, and down by a TV with some hot chocolate and your computer. And then the next day, when you almost can't get out of bed cause your body's sooooo stiff, looking through the pictures on your camera and wondering how you managed to catch your friend in that odd fall, or that guy with his finger in his nose and all those other weird pictures, and then calling your friend to ask how his/her leg is after that odd fall just to find out that person is now jumping on cruches. Life is amazing! =)

And I am also now going to have to mention autumn, when the colorful, gorgeous leafs start falling off trees, flying around in the wind. Nights starts getting darker and darker, you take your last outdoor-bath in water just above freezing, laugh at that one friend that can't even stick her toe in without screaming high pitched, and sit around the fireplace freezing on this years last oudoor-camping.

And spring time, when the snow goes away, and flowers start popping up, the sun is turned on again and it's closing in on summer. Thinking about it, all the seasons are beautiful in their own way. But I stand still on liking summers the most ;-D

As promised; Earth Hour, march 26th, at 8;30 pm / 20;30
Earth hour is meant for everyone to put their lights out. So here's and idea; invite your girlfriend/boyfriend over for dinner, make it BEFORE 8;30 (make sure it's done about exactly on time). Light some candles  around the house, make your bed nice and neat with rose pedals, and have a romantic dinner, good foreplay and hove fun all night (;

This would ofcourse also be a good suprise for a wife/husband, and the bed thingy is optional. It's also an alternative to go out for a romantic stroll under the stars, if you really are in a romantic mood. But remember to put on enough clotes, so you don't catch a cold! it's not summer yet ;-D


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Earth hour #1

To be sure absolutely all the people that happen to stumbe upon this blog know; EARTH HOUR IS ON MARCH 26th 8;30 PM / 20:30.

And just cause I'm me, I'm gonna post one awesome thing about Earth, OR one bad thing we are doing to her EVERY DAY till march 26th.

So here comes number one, and probably the longest one; Mother Earth is the reason for us being alive, her possition to the sun, the atmosphere, the gravitation, it's all in the perfect condition to make our lives liveble. Without Mother Earth being just what she is, we (us) and everything else, trees, cats, grandmas, seas, phones, whatever. NOTHING of what you know would be here. Not even air as we know it.

And yet, of the 8766 hours-a-year, we give her 1. 1 hour out of 8766. I mean, we don't even honor her with one whole day, like we do with all these meaningless people, that just happened to live a little out of the ordinary.  Just one hour. One out of eightthousandsevenhundredandsixtysix hours to save Mother Earth. That's how much we care.

So now I have to stick my nose in a book, but I'm thinking instead of just the "one awesome thing about Eart, OR one bad thing we are doing to her", I'm also gonna give you guys some ideas about how to spend Earth Hour, or even the whole day, to save our sweet Mother Earth more. And then, maybe you can all tell me about what YOU did (or are planning to do) to help her (=


Friday, March 11, 2011

Living in Alices World

Simple reasons for my change of name; I need writing practice, not about books, but other things for school mostly, and the fact that I'm gonna have to read a hell of a lot books if I'm gonna write about two new books every week, and I don't have that much time. For your sake to, I'll now write more often, and about diffenrent things, not always the same.

So instead of having a book-blog, it's now whatever. Might be the filosofical question "to be or not to be" or "what's the meaning of life", or just how big the difference is between God and Santa, or how music is books and filosofy in short versions, or whatever I feel like writing about. Including ofcourse books and writers. And probably some crazy ideas and story's made up by me and my friends. Of which I'm gonna try to give each and every one of them a name from "Alices Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass" that actually fits their personality, and explain how it does. Just for fun.

The blog is still going to be "Alices" and not (to) personal, as in all my worries and trubbles, and what I bought today, cause that's all my crap, not yours. You may still e-mail me if you have a story to tell, feel like getting something out, know a good book, or know someone cool that you want to tell the world about. I know many.

Alice Wonderland@facebook


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

busy days!

my apologiez for not blogging enough, but there's just so much to do and so little time! I'll be back as soon as I can!
