Thursday, September 29, 2011

my mind

Sometimes, I can't decide if I'm a genius or just perfectly insane. I get scared, scared of my own mind. At the same time, I trust in it.

I trust in me. In the mind that constantly think new thoughts, in the mind that can't decide what to think or what it's own opinion is. I trust in myself to make decisions right for me, even when I don't know what I'm deciding.

My head is a shocking place to be. Way out of a square, it does not belong in any drawn shape. I don't think it would be even possible to make such a shape in our physical world.

The colors! The life, different smells, sights, sounds, impressions, everything. In my head, nothing is as it should be.

If I'm insane, can I at the same time be a genius? If I'm really that smart, how can I be mad? And if I'm neither, can I at the same time be both?


Tuesday, September 27, 2011


People staring. Always, there's always somebody staring at me.

Today it's because I changed my hair. Or actually, hid my hair in a wig. I look.... different. Quite different.

I never get over how easily people judge each other. I usually do get a lot of stares for being loud, for dressing slightly different, for being myself and not the usual follower of everyone else.

They stare, they talk, they like, dislike and judge. Always. Now, I don't mind them takling about me. Or staring. I don't care if they don't like what I do, though if they do like it, I like them. For just one moment, or maybe for ever. 

I know my friends find me crazy, sometimes embarresing. But I've had people I don't know walk up to me and ask me "where do you get that self-confidence from?". I've heard people say "I want to be her, and be able to do whatever and not care what people think". 

I was there once. I grew up around this girl, she was not well liked, rather constantly picked on for many years. I do not know how she felt about it, but she didn't change. She stayed strong and proud, and I thought "some day, I want to be like that".

Today, she is the coolest person I know. Her self-confidence is shining like ten million stars, and she is herself. Always herself. She is as different as anyone could be, and yet she is no more or less then herself exactly. She showed me the way to where I am today, and I will love her forever for it.

Yet, I can't get over how easily people judge. They are all jealous, saying they wish they had that confidence, but when they see someone lucky enough to have it, they talk crap. This person is not good enough for them.

I sure wonder why so many don't have the guts to be themselves.


Friday, September 23, 2011


The ring on my finger, I walk out the door, straight back, a smile on my lips.

Proud and loving, a new day, fresh like never before, today is the first day in the rest of my life.

And I'm gonna make it count, for every single second.

I work, I do what I do and what I can, and maybe just a bit more. I feel good, I always bring the smile with me, doesn't matter where I'm going.

I'm gonna get to the top, work with every bone in my body, I will get there, and I will do something big. Something so big, they will remember me 2500 years from now.

I'm gonna be bigger than the philosophs of the Antiquity. I want to be the biggest name that ever lived.


Monday, September 19, 2011


I feel exposed, in a weird kind of way. I'm not sure if I care of if I don't.

I don't mind the cold grey sky. It's like a reflection in the mirror, and at the same time an inverted photograph.

Winter is moving in. Slowly, but surely, it's getting colder. It's wet outside. Wet and muddy. Everything seems dirty. Soon, it will be white and snowy, and then everything will seem clean. And it will be colder.

All the drama that goes on around me. Dragging me in, tieing me to a solid stone wall with chains of hard metal. I don't want to know. I don't want to be told, I don't want to think about it, I don't want to care.

But that is not all. It's again. And I don't know if I mind.

Is my life still the same quiet hole as it's been for the past few years?
Am I still the same?

What will become of me, when I always back away from what matters to them? Why should I stay alongside them, when all they do is create the drama I hate so much?

I don't get why they care. I don't get why I should care. Yet I do, in some way, to some extend, I do.

But the dark road ahead, I do not see where ends, or where goes. And maybe it is not my road to follow.

Time will tell. And if my patience don't run out, I'll know.

Let's for now, just sit back and relax. Caring is just a waste of precious energy.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blue eyes

I'm so lost in blue eyes, I can't think

That shining smile sent in my direction, I can't think.

Those words I was unable to catch, I can't think.

Trying to answet, I can't think.

Even when he's not around, I can't think.

Even when I need to concentrate, I can't think.

Shining forever in my head, I can't think.

I can't read, I can't see, I can't think.

So lost in blue eyes, I can't think.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Amulet of Samarkand

Such a long time since I last read that book. I picked it up again last night. I didn't expect it be any good.

Last time I read it (also the first time I read it) was years ago. I liked the story back then. It was just about childish enough, and so easily read. e
After having read Tolkien, Hemingway, Michael White and god knows what not, I didn't expect that book to be much. Just a memory of a passed time. Just relaxing with an easy, meaningless book.

And I loved it. The way it's written, like it tells a true story. The way it's talking about how impossibly dumb and ignorant most humans are. Oh yes, the writer himself and how amazingly good he is at putting the words together.

And how I could think this an easily read story all those years ago! Ok, I understand, most of the words can be ignored and I'll still get the point of the sentence. Every sentence is filled to the brinks with unuseful, yet marvellously colorful words and information. I love it.

And how the story I once thought pointless, it is to massive degrees and without doubt filled with complexities of an absolutely incredibly impressive imagination. 

I literally cannot belive this book just stood there on my schelf for so long, and I never bothered to look at it a second time. I can't belive that a book that gave me everything I wanted when I was a kid and only looking for the story, gives me more than I could ever imagine from any book after having read works written by the greatest authors of all time. 

I have never read anything like this, and never again will I underestimate a book.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Head

The music in my ears, my head running wild.

I'm having a good time, I'm entertained by my own mind and imagination.

You would have loved to be inside my head.

But try for now, only to understand your own.

What are you thinking about?


Sunday, September 04, 2011


It smells like autumn outside. So sweet and colorful, lovely.

Autumn is my favorite time of the year. Not because school starts again, or because the temperature is droppig, or because it's constantly raining, but because it's the most colorful time of the year. It's the time of year that creates the most inspiration.

Autumn is when everything can happen. I would honestly not be surprised if a cow stuck it's head in my window right now. I wouldn't even blink if a tiny, pink dragon shot out of my closet and started to twist and twirl around my room, spitting sparks.

I feel like singing and dancing, I wanna run under a full moon, I can't wait to yell and scream out to the world how wonderous the it is!

Sometimes I dream about the cool autumn rain always falling, about the leaves of the trees always being yellow, red and pink, the grass always as green as right before the first snow falls, and the sweet autumn smell always stealing into my room.

I don't mind the grey sky or pouring rain. It's what makes me feel alive. Oh, how I love running in the wet grass, and the fresh smell in the morning after a rainy night. It's what makes the world spin.

Autumn is the only time I can walk outside all day in a simple t-shirt, and yet when night comes, just wait for when I can crawl under the warm sheets in my bed and dream good dreams. It's the only time of year when night and day are equally good.

And it's the time of year when anything can happen. Anything.
