Tuesday, February 22, 2011

J. K. Rowling

Joanne Rowling is the very famous author og the even more famous Harry Potter - series. She is not on my list of favorite authors, even though her stories are somewhat close to the best I've read.
 The reasons are simple;

Her way of writing is normal, square, unlike Tolkien who writes almost in riddles of which half the time you know not what's going on, or Carroll, who tells he's stories from a little, unknowing girl's perspective, or any other one of my favorite authors. What she writes is easy to read, it's simple, using simple words, the same phrases throughout. Nothing out of the ordinary.

She herself is nothing out of the ordinary, just a normal person with a normal family that grew up a normal way, hung out with normal friends and listened to normal music. She's a teacher, she wrote books on her sparetime. Her life is her books, or in her books. 
Her personality is a box, she's a caring person, her children comes first. She's strong, but not challenged.

All of her, it's so normal, so "everyday person", she would simply just be fading into the long lines of  forgotten authors, if not for the two facts; how she's able put her life into caracters and happenings of seemingly wild imagination, and being a woman. 

Don't get me wrong here, I like Rowling and I LOVE her books, and has all my respect for her stories, and managing to keep everything real, but she's just not interesting enough to make my top 5, even though her stories are good enough. 

And I have to say, of my favorite  mother-celebrities, she's #1. If my mom were to be famous, I would prefer her being like Rowling.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Michael White

Now today, I just got me 5 new books. Well, three are from the library; Pompeii - Robert Harris ; Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen and Ernest Heminhway - including many stories. I didn't get the two books I actually ment to get though. I walked into the library thinking I wanted to read Secret life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd and Go ask Alice - anonymus, but that didn't happen. And when I got out of the library, and moved onto a store, I stumbled accross two books by Michael White; Equinox and The Medici Secret. I've read one of he's books before, The Borgia Ring, and absolutely LOVED it!

Now, the thing about Mr. White that makes me love him, is the way he put's his story in more than one setting. You have the history, background of the story, all facts, usually either a person or a family of old ages. And then you have the middlespot, last time something happened, the clues noone else would ever put together. And now, when you are stuck in the middle of it, trying to find out what is going on. Three timezones in what I've read 'till now.

And the way you can read something about the family/person in the book, then go online, google them and find out more, it's pretty cool. For example, I was just starting the Medici Secret, of where the family ofcourse is the Medici's. Very famous, they are from the renaissance, and how the family members died was a cold case until just recently. It was commonly thought that the Medici's murdered eachother, but in 2010 scientists proved this theory wrong. Rather interesting, how much you can get out of 400 years old cold burried bones.

These books of Mr. White are mostly biography's of really famous people, like Isaac Newton, Tolkien and so on, and it's obvious that he is interested in the people of the past, and long gone family's who's names live only in history books. Also, the way he analyses people of the past, from what he know's and how he always make's sure to know what's going on with them today, makes he's books very historically correct and still interesting, fun to read and something out of the ordinary.

 I am normally not a big fan of crime fiction, as these books are, where his caracters has to solve centuries old mystery's mixed in with today's happenings, and their lives. But there is something about the way his books doesn't seem like normal crime fiction, as a lot of it is not fiction but facts and he jumps so in time, instead of you being stuck with just the same happening over and over, trying to find out who does what with no clues or something like that, as it usually is in normal crime fictions. One should almost make up a new genre for his books.

Also, as some may think they are not, jumping so much in time, and with so small details about the many pages of a famous family's history, these books are incredibly easy to read. Now, I being a person who reads a lot, can get through most books pretty easily, but these books have no mix-matched sentences, no odd, out-of-the-ordinary words, and as they mention strange names of strange machines and names on gravestones with no grave and whatever else you may come accross, it will always explain what you may need to know, and a bit more of what you just might want to know. These books are not ment for only the smart people, but while they don't bore them, neither do they confuse us normal people.

Books and Author highly recommended!!


Thursday, February 10, 2011


I have never been one to like the romantic crap in silly rimes, or the heroic deeds written with rythm or any other type of poem. Well, for most not. But once you put a melody in, good artists, vocals with a nice voice, gitars and drums and pianos, I love it. Music is a big part of my life, probabl bigger than books is. And how does this belong on a book-blog? Well, it IS poems. Odd how much better they get, once you can sing them.

But there is one type of poem I like without music to, the poems with no meaning. Those that don't make sense. Or those that is just there, not really saying anything of importance. Those I like, those there's no analyzing or thinking about for hours and hours, no hidden meaning. They are easy and often fun to read, they make you laugh of their sillyness instead of cry for tragedys. They are simply a little piece of laughter and light in our dark world.

An example;
"Speak roughly to your little boy,
And beat him when he sneezes:
He only does it to annoy,
Because he knows it teases.

Wow! wow! wow!

I speak severely to my boy,
And beat him when he sneezes:
For he can thoroughly enjoy
The pepper when he pleases

Wow! wow! wow!"

     picked out of Lewis Carrolls "Alices adventures in wonderland"

But as this is my opinion, what do you think about poems?


Saturday, February 05, 2011


A little while ago, I got addicted to this TV show, Supernatural. So when I stumbled over these Supernatural books, I just had to read them. Now, I should say that it is like 5 months ago, and I've gotten through one of them. Life is to busy.

Well, about the books, one of them is like one episode. The one I've read, Nevermore by Keith R. A. DeCandido, is very detailed, almost like watching an episode. Now, the books do have different authors, Keith has written two of the four I have. It's impressive how he has picked up both Sam and Deans personalities, habits and everything, and manage to put them into the book as well as he has.

Both the TV show and the books are highly recommended from my side!
