Saturday, July 02, 2011

The Win

It's flying away so fast, I can't see which direction it's headed. I don't even know if I'm with it, or if I'm left behind.

It's spinning, twisting, turning, it's here and there, it's up and down in a blurr of colors, everything and nothing.

I hold on, I keep running, I try to catch up, try to figure out where I am, and where I'm going, who is with me and who is not.

It doesn't matter. They who are willing to go with me are all that matters. The road is all that matters. The destination, and who is left behind, means nothing.

It's all buildt this way. If you want to know, if you want to see, if you want control. That's when you lose.

I win. I always do. I go the way that makes me happy, I walk the roads that makes me smile. And walk with those that wish to go with me.

It's going on and on, foreverlasting journeys, roads that never ends, new people come and go, and some stay. Those are the ones worth trust. Those are the ones that trust you.

 And never will you know, who will stay and who will go, but feel it in your heart and you will see who it will be.


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