Sunday, September 04, 2011


It smells like autumn outside. So sweet and colorful, lovely.

Autumn is my favorite time of the year. Not because school starts again, or because the temperature is droppig, or because it's constantly raining, but because it's the most colorful time of the year. It's the time of year that creates the most inspiration.

Autumn is when everything can happen. I would honestly not be surprised if a cow stuck it's head in my window right now. I wouldn't even blink if a tiny, pink dragon shot out of my closet and started to twist and twirl around my room, spitting sparks.

I feel like singing and dancing, I wanna run under a full moon, I can't wait to yell and scream out to the world how wonderous the it is!

Sometimes I dream about the cool autumn rain always falling, about the leaves of the trees always being yellow, red and pink, the grass always as green as right before the first snow falls, and the sweet autumn smell always stealing into my room.

I don't mind the grey sky or pouring rain. It's what makes me feel alive. Oh, how I love running in the wet grass, and the fresh smell in the morning after a rainy night. It's what makes the world spin.

Autumn is the only time I can walk outside all day in a simple t-shirt, and yet when night comes, just wait for when I can crawl under the warm sheets in my bed and dream good dreams. It's the only time of year when night and day are equally good.

And it's the time of year when anything can happen. Anything.


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