Tuesday, February 22, 2011

J. K. Rowling

Joanne Rowling is the very famous author og the even more famous Harry Potter - series. She is not on my list of favorite authors, even though her stories are somewhat close to the best I've read.
 The reasons are simple;

Her way of writing is normal, square, unlike Tolkien who writes almost in riddles of which half the time you know not what's going on, or Carroll, who tells he's stories from a little, unknowing girl's perspective, or any other one of my favorite authors. What she writes is easy to read, it's simple, using simple words, the same phrases throughout. Nothing out of the ordinary.

She herself is nothing out of the ordinary, just a normal person with a normal family that grew up a normal way, hung out with normal friends and listened to normal music. She's a teacher, she wrote books on her sparetime. Her life is her books, or in her books. 
Her personality is a box, she's a caring person, her children comes first. She's strong, but not challenged.

All of her, it's so normal, so "everyday person", she would simply just be fading into the long lines of  forgotten authors, if not for the two facts; how she's able put her life into caracters and happenings of seemingly wild imagination, and being a woman. 

Don't get me wrong here, I like Rowling and I LOVE her books, and has all my respect for her stories, and managing to keep everything real, but she's just not interesting enough to make my top 5, even though her stories are good enough. 

And I have to say, of my favorite  mother-celebrities, she's #1. If my mom were to be famous, I would prefer her being like Rowling.


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