Now, I do like the winter as well, for the beauty of snowed down oaks, hot chocolate by a warming fireplace, iceskating and skiing. And we must never forget the fun of getting up at 07;00 to get ready to go downhill, getting on the 8 buss with some funny-looking tired friends, finally reaching the mountain and getting your ski's on and stay on them for 7-8 hours with a 20 minute break to get your toes warm before you stuff them back into cold boots, and eat a hot dog. Then it's out again, till you can barely stand up, and back on a buss, finally home at half past 8 in the evening, and down by a TV with some hot chocolate and your computer. And then the next day, when you almost can't get out of bed cause your body's sooooo stiff, looking through the pictures on your camera and wondering how you managed to catch your friend in that odd fall, or that guy with his finger in his nose and all those other weird pictures, and then calling your friend to ask how his/her leg is after that odd fall just to find out that person is now jumping on cruches. Life is amazing! =)

And spring time, when the snow goes away, and flowers start popping up, the sun is turned on again and it's closing in on summer. Thinking about it, all the seasons are beautiful in their own way. But I stand still on liking summers the most ;-D
As promised; Earth Hour, march 26th, at 8;30 pm / 20;30
Earth hour is meant for everyone to put their lights out. So here's and idea; invite your girlfriend/boyfriend over for dinner, make it BEFORE 8;30 (make sure it's done about exactly on time). Light some candles around the house, make your bed nice and neat with rose pedals, and have a romantic dinner, good foreplay and hove fun all night (;
This would ofcourse also be a good suprise for a wife/husband, and the bed thingy is optional. It's also an alternative to go out for a romantic stroll under the stars, if you really are in a romantic mood. But remember to put on enough clotes, so you don't catch a cold! it's not summer yet ;-D
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