But my greatest source of inspirement is not one of those you hear about often, one of the obvious. It is what inspires most people the most, but yet what is rarely mentioned. Friends and family. They may give me ideas about what to write, I quote them and I rethink their thoughts. Even if I'm just sitting at home a late night, thinking about what we were talking about earlier, I might get the best ideas. There is no better way of getting inspired than hanging with some good friends or family for a day.

I do have other inspireing sources to of course. Both music, books, history and philosophy. Teachers and school. Randoms of the street, quotes I pick up as I go. It should all be remembered, and some day repeated. It's ok if you, like me, want your thoughts to be fresh and out of the ordinary, you can still develop them from other peoples earlier thoughts. Not even Sokrates thoughts were all new, yet he's the one to be famous for most of them. It's not always about being the first one, or the best one. It's about making yourself worth listening to.
So here comes my advice; if you are looking for inspiration, whatever it may be for, just look around. Don't go looking for something you have not seen before, try to see new things in what was always there. And always try to be inspiration for others, for who knows, maybe tomorrow, what you inspired them to do will inspire you?
Earth Hour; March 16th 8:20pm / 20.30
Today, as I really feel like getting some treats, I'm asking you a question, or three. On March 26th, do you have any plans? Are you going to do anything out of the ordinary? Do you have any ideas on what to do, and want to share them? Either only for Earth Hour or the whole day or an entire year or lifetime? What is your gift to Mother Earth?
All ideas, I'm going to quote on my blog on March 25th (if I get any ideas, that is), so please do remember to tell who you are!
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