This is how I would have been if someone were to put me into a book. Or so I hope. It's kind of bragging really.
I would have been strong. Really strong and wise. I would know magic, really powerful magic. But I would be good. Yet would I not do everything for one side and nothing for the other. As it is in fairytales, the bad is not all bad and the good not all good.
I would be tall. I would look like royality, and act like it. I would be loved, but never belong to one place alone. I would be a traveller. A noticed one, of my apperance. Scary, yet loved. I would be one of many stories, famous, but not always recognized.
Feared of those that got on my bad side. I would be without mercy.Yet I would be fair. I would have but one follower, one that was not human. A creature of magic, one not under my command, but of own free will. She would be most likely somewhat like a horse. Or some cat-animal. Maybe even a match. And she would have temper, dangerous temper.
I would know about all and nothing. I would not be the hero, but the mysterious helper noone really knows of. There I am, hiding in the shadows. I would be everything, yet nothing.
Earth Hour: March 26th 8:30 pm / 20:30

Yet I know, it's starting earlier this year than it has before. Earlier and earlier it starts every year. And I know, for earth, this is not good. So I hope next year, winter will last just a little longer.
Just the way you are..