And just cause I'm me, I'm gonna post one awesome thing about Earth, OR one bad thing we are doing to her EVERY DAY till march 26th.
So here comes number one, and probably the longest one; Mother Earth is the reason for us being alive, her possition to the sun, the atmosphere, the gravitation, it's all in the perfect condition to make our lives liveble. Without Mother Earth being just what she is, we (us) and everything else, trees, cats, grandmas, seas, phones, whatever. NOTHING of what you know would be here. Not even air as we know it.
And yet, of the 8766 hours-a-year, we give her 1. 1 hour out of 8766. I mean, we don't even honor her with one whole day, like we do with all these meaningless people, that just happened to live a little out of the ordinary. Just one hour. One out of eightthousandsevenhundredandsixtysix hours to save Mother Earth. That's how much we care.

You're a good writer!! I'll put tweet your blog, so more people will know about you!
Wow, thank you! =D