Here's a list of things I'm hooked on, and the reason (if I have one):
Books: Well... they are books. They are pictures of something that has been, someone else's mind and thoughts. They discribe what is, has been and is to be, come to life and move you to a new level of knowledge. They give you a chance to live a different life than your own, to be something you're not, to be immortal, strong and all you ever wanted. They are all, even if they are nothing.
Music: Music is a picture of someone elses feelings, cares, love and hate. They make you feel the same, they can make you happy, angry, they can hold good memories and remind you of something you miss everytime you hear that one song. Music is the complexity of sounds put together to become one, and you can be a part of that one, listening to the music playing.
Pictures: They may hold all you hold dear. Friends and family, perfect moments, maybe something you once held close, but lost. In pictures, you can be what you wish, and you can show the world what you want them to see. Pictures don't need to hold everything you know, just that one little thing that makes it a pice of your heaven.
Lipbalm: and some other "beauty-products". The reason? I deserve it, like the commercials always tell me. Commercials are always right ;-) Though, really, it's just because I like to be able to look in the mirror and not go "oh my gooood, I look horrible!". Also, I don't really want anyone else to look at me and go "eeww" either. I'm just addicted to my lipbalm because soft lips are good for my confidence and also a thumbs up with the boys ;-) (boys, if you think I'm wrong, please do tell)
Chocolate (the awesome kind): now, a year ago I would have said all chocolate is awesome. I learned differently now. I'm talking about the soft, salty, sweet kind that melts on your tounge, the kind like in Harry Potter that makes your whole body warm and cosy, the really awesome one. I love it!
My bed: I absolutely love my soft, cosy, warm, loving bed. I would stay here for ever if I could <3. Well, maybe not. Then I would get fat, and very, very not good looking and probably stupid. Unless I used my bed as an office and a trampoline. That could work =D (my bed is awesome!)
Earth Hour; March 26th, 8:20 pm / 20.30
To help Mother Earth every day, all year around, here's a cuple of small ideas, hopefully not the same you hear every day;
- Drink more tap-water! Then you don't have all the trash from the crappy sugar-filled drinks you buy at the store, you save money and get healtier.

- Buy a cottage! A real one, not one with a giant flatscreen, mini training center and wireless, the one where you use gas oven or live fire, one that doesn't have a pool in the backyard or electric lights, but snow and forests outside the door, and the lake where you can swim in the summertime and go ice skating in the winter. And this helps how? Well, if you are at the cottage, you're not using any of the lights at your house, or the oven or anything electric (I hope. please remember to turn the heat of, you don't need it when you're not there)
- Move towards the equator! Obviously, as it's warmer, you won't need heat, and the sun it up longer, so you don't need lights ;-)
- Party all night and sleep all day! Point being you have fun and you're social when partying, there's rarely many lights on at a party, and the people that are there have (hopefully remembered to) turned their lights off. The "sleep all day" is just so you get the rest you need, and has nothing to do with Mother Earth
- To twist the last one a bit; Get up bright and early, sleep when it's dark out! If you go to bed once the sun goes down, what will you be using your lights for? You will also probably get a lot more done, as you get up in the morning.
I hope today was entertaining!