God is no truth to me. Nor is he a lie. His personality on the other hand, is not all that square. If you had the power to make the world a good place, with peace and love, would you not take it? Well, as I know many actually has the chance of making it much better with all the money they sit on, but are too greedy, I guess that's not a valid question. I know though, if I had the chance to end all bad things just by thinking of a much better place, the world would not know pain. God has that opportunity. He can make us love him. He can make us perfect. So why doesn't he?

My friends are real. Or only imagination? I'm not sure. The truth is I still love them. It doesn't matte if they exist or not. But am I imagination? Am I only a caracter of fiction? I know "Alice" is, cause I made her. Still, she is real. I belive in her. She is truth.
I don't trust in the sky to be blue. Or in my life to be real, or even the sun to shine. I don't trust in much. So you can wonder, if my life really means anything at all. And the pain I feel, I know is real. The pain when I see my friends suffer, the pain when my heart can't have what it desires more, the pain when the world is losing grip, when something is lost.

What is real, is only what can't be denied. What is uncertain is all that's not real.
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