All the lies and pretending, it's all it took to get to know me. Learn who I am, learn to love who I am, and not care what other people think about me. It's what guides me foreward, knowing what they will love and hate about me, knowing how to make them love me. Push them to the limit, make them forgive.
I do nothing wrong, I live my life being me. The lies does not cover up for who I really am, they are who I really am. They are the definition of me.
But I am also the one on the outside. The one that knows but doesn't tell. The one that sees, but let them live their lives. They judge me, not themselves. That's how my path was buildt.
And as I walk along broken roads, only getting close to others, the nice, new, fresh once, I find my broken one to be the more tempting. This is a path of interesting past and unpredictable future. This path is the one so many before me walked on, trying to find their way through the maze of trubble, and I find myself wishing to stay here forever. Learn to know the trubble in my way, become friends with it even. Learn how to think like the great philosophs of the old, think new. Learn to love like the penguins do.
The broken road of neverending curses, constant new problems, it is what holds all the secrets. Those that get off it, will never learn. Those that never reach it, will never have the chance. This is my answer to life. This is my path to follow to the end.
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