Apolegizing for running away (...), I just had to block myself completely away from everything for a little while. No facebook, phone, twitter, blog, skype, msn, nothing. And I did get through a cuple of the books I've been working on (and not opened) for the last few months.
This easter, until now, I have done pretty much nothing but read and clean. I got about 100 pounds in Smiley Green (that's my saving frog), and in 10 days, I will get another 100 to feed him with. I finally got the stuff I've been missing from my last trip abroad. I found some cool old stuff while cleaning.
But best of all; at this exact moment, I don't have any overwhelming drama to complain about! This is just awesome.
Also, I am at this moment really tired. I barely slept at all last night. But that's ok, cause then I'll (hopefully) get my days back on track. Like, not go to sleep at 6 in the morning, and wake up at 4 in the evening. Unless my mom wakes me, in which case I'll walk around half asleep all day. And not get anything done.

Does sound like me. I like me. (Bragging-moment) I'm always completely relaxed. I never stress out. I get annoyed, but it doesn't bother me. I get pissed, and I don't let it out on anyone else (except maybe my wall). I don't care if my friend starts dating my ex, or if someone calls me names. I'm so the opposite of a dramaqueen.
Don't get me wrong here. I'm not the person to get on the wrong side of. Hurt my friends, and you're lucky if you don't get to see tomorrow, cause if you do, tomorrow's gonna be worse than hell. Ending up in the Devils personal torture chamber would be like a Holiday in the Sun.

Problem would be it hurting you would hurt my friends to. ERROR ERROR SERIOUS BRAIN DAMAGE. Yeah, that's what's gonna happen. To me that is. ERROR ERROR YOUR HEART IS TRYING TO BURN IT'S WAY OUT OF YOUR CHEST. Awesome.
Talking of Errors, I've found facebook quite interesting lately. You know, all the
deleting your breasts - error, file is to big
deleting your brain - error, file does not exist
deleting our friendship - error, file to deep
They are kind of cool. I like them.
What I don't like is all the
OMG, stop doing/saying that, it can sound racist/mean/whatever, you can hurt someone
And that whole bunch of crap when it's something as cute as
if you have a sister or brother on facebook, and think you are better than them, put this on your status, if they don't comment within 10 minutes they agree
Deleting love - error, file broken. Awwww <'3
Deleting you - error, file has to much body-fat. Hahahaaa

Deleting my butt - CANCEL! I love it to much
Deleting all our bad memories - error, file does not exist
Deleting good music from the world - error, file in use. (It's me)
Deleting bad music from the world - error, file in use. Really? your taste sucks
Deleting fun from the world - error, file already removed
Deleting me - CANCEL! (what, this time it wasn't me!)
Deleting you - error, file to smart, pretty,awesome, cool, hot, beautiful, good, so on and on and ooooon
Deleting the world - error, already deleting.
Deleting your addiction - 100% removed. (yeeey)
Deleting my addiction to you - error, file to big. (NOOOOO! )= )
Deleting Alices World - error, file not found. (Hmm... Oh I know)
Deleting my imagination - error, file to crazy. (Well, maybe I don't)
Deleting my rudeness - error, file to old

Deleting my childishness - error, file is playing hide and seek and is impossible to find. (I kick ass)
Deleting your lovers - error, to many files
Deleting cookies from the Cookie Monsters life - error, IT'S THE FU*KING COOKIE MONSTER!!!
Accessing your heart - error, file not found. (what did you do, cut it out of your chest?)
Accessing my heart - error, file not found. (... *Angel look*)
Accessing our love - error, file deleted.
Accessing my imagination - WARNING: this file may contain inappropriate content, are you sure you want to continiue?
yes - WARNING: you may get lost and never get out, are you sure you want to continiue?
yes - WARNING: accessing this file may lead to permanent brain damage or other disability, are you sure you want to continiue?
YES - WARNING: you are entering this file at own risk, are you absolutely completely sure you want to continiue?
YES! - file accessed, good luck.... loser
Accessing your pants - error, file to big
Accessing your bed - error, bed taken by some random dude and your girlfriend. Sorry.
Accessing my sleep - 92%, to finish you need to close all running programs