I want to hold a speach, that all the great names in the world quotes from.
I want to tell a tale, that is told from generation to generation all over the world forever.
I want to make a poem, that everyone can mirror themselves in, and love what they see.
I want to stop warfare and weapon production.
I want to help millions, trillions and billions of people get a better life.
I want to read honorable titles of what I've done, in the biggest newspapers.
I want to grow a rain forrest, as big as those we have used to be.

I want to change the world for the better.
Then I want to sit back, relax, watch people try to do again all that I have done and slowly forget my name.
And last, I want to grow old, knowing I lived my life right.
message heard, sometimes saving the world can start with just a small action. Like when you drop a pebble into a lake and the water ripples out in all directions. Good vibrations, positive vibrations, vibrations of love. Sex and love are two different things. Sex, it seems,does not help the world, it should only be a compliment and not a supplement. Exploitation and the promotion of lust has done much to harm the world. I am a strong believer in the fact that the little things we do every day are like the pebble dropped in the lake and the vibrations, like the ripples or waves, carry over and out to set a good example to all. Little people and little things are more powerful than you may think. The ocean is far more vast and complicated than just one being with a passion. One cant go it alone. One can't stop it all. Perhaps the little things and the little deeds you do will set a good example for a few who will set a good example for a few who will set a good example for a few who may reach a higher altitude. There will always be those beings that just want to watch the world burn and it is not your duty to stop them or save them. The little things you do, although you may not notice, are setting off good vibrations and energy that will make your reality a better place. blessings to you and may your suffering be only be that which makes you stronger.