You need not be afraid of what you do not know, for all is good. The smile is ever bright, and never will it fade.
The light shines always we would say, but if it did not, it would make no difference. Day or night makes no difference.
No harm will get to you, as evil no longer exists. There's no fear, because there is nothing to fear. Even the deepest night is filled with bright joy.
I do wonder, how come we fear the dark? It can do us no harm. It's only what we don't know.

Tom Bombadil of Tolkiens making says he "Knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from outside". The Dark Lord obviously being whoever first tried to take over the world, I wonder who our Dark Lord is?
And then I wonder how come so many finds joy in fear? We watch horror movies, tell ghost stories, play bloody games, and we love it.
Is it only because we need something to keep us down on earth, something to keep us from flying to the rainbow, we have fear? We use it for kicks, but is there any need in it?
What is fear is what drives the wicked. If fear was what drives evil, with no fear there would be nothing to fear. You would nt need to be afraid, all would be good.
Imagine the time when you need not fear anything. When darkness was as highly welcome as light.
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