And here it is again; how deeply impressed I am by the acomplished mind of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
The amazement of the world he made, the complete history of the people, the books written with perfection of detail, not one single simple mistake.
The people he made. The creation. The world, languages, cultures, adventures, heroes. Everything. It is unlike anything I have ever seen or heard of.
Every time I have opened one of his books, this exact same thing have made me wonder where he got it all from? It must have been somewhere. I do not understand how one simple human mind can reach these lengts as his have done.
For his perfection in detail, his not knowing anymore than the reader and (apparent) writer as he writes, his making of a world, a new world, a way to escape. These are all reasons for me to love him.
I am not only talking about The Lord of the Rings now, but all his books, on Arda, Middle Earth, and all else there is within. He actually did start at the beginning, creating the world of his own through The One, making it's story, step by step.

And if it is not completely done, he created the world in one simple human lifetime. How he did it I would have loved to know. I get more amazed for every time I read his books.
And as I say down to every detail, so I mean. For those that have perhaps only seen the movies or read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit (there and back again), I will tell you, how complete the family trees are, the languages he made, the tiny details as to birth year and perfection of age in every context where mentioned, never one mistake.
And how he mentiones this and that from the old history of middle earth in Lord of the Rings, and then after goes ahead and writed those stories ahead. He must have been a freak in completing work, and some father to have.
Insane I think I would call him, mad beyond hope. Though where there is no hope, one must find other ways to go on. A genius of which the like, I think, has never been seen. Im caeda an hon. Imperfect, but as good as I can do right now.