See, a little while ago a friend told me, we have to have a next life. Not because of religion or anything, simply because no energy is ever lost. So sooner or later, our energy has to come back in some other shape.
It made sense to me. It's really logical, by the laws of physics. Or something. And here's what I said:
If I have had ealier lives, I think I used to be a limegreen frog with blue dots. Cause animals and plants sort of have the same energy that humans have. So then, I could just as well have been a limegreen frog with blue dots as anything else.

Now, while I was a limegreen frog with blue dots in China, loved by a little girl, she was a feared dragon. And one day the Dragon, my best friend, grilled the limegreen frog with blue dots, me, alive. And ate me.
Ofcourse, being a limegreen frog with blue dots, I was poisonous. Not deadly to something as big as a dragon, but really weakening. And Lee-Ann was so mad. So as the Dragon was weakened from my limegreen-frog-with-blue-dots-poison, she went ahead and kicked the dragons butt, killing it.
Now, me being a little limegreen frog with blue dots, ofcourse my energy would move on to the next body quicker than the huuuuge dragon. (The dragon takes longer to rot...) So since those days, I've had many lives, and now me and my old murderer, the Dragon, are best friends. And all this (in case you want to look it up), actually did happen in China, 3000 years ago.
Or in me and my best friends heads. I'm not sure. Either way it's awesome, and I used to be a limegreen frog with blue dots that got burned to death by my best friend the Dragon.
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